Dreamer by K'NAAN

It's ok to feel good!


There is power in hip-hop.  This song uses that power to remind us "it's ok to feel good."  I'm not sure if you know who K'NAAN is, but he is an amazing rapper/songwriter who grew up in Somalia, one of the harshest places in the world!  Yet growing up in the chaos over there, seeing awful things every day, he still chose to pursue his dreams.  To not give up and make excuses, but to find his way out of the chaos into the success of a career in music.  He is such a great example of what you can accomplish if you choose positivity every day, get up and get to work.  No matter where you are from, you were created to succeed!

So fight through the chaos.  Dream big dreams.  And go make them true.

Lost?  Not sure where to go next?