I Ain't Give Up On You Yet by Propaganda

I just cannot get enough of this song lately...


This is a hard time for America.  There is a lot of division and anger in our country.  All of our problems are being put out there for the whole world to see.  It's a confusing time to be an American.  Enter my man Propaganda.  This song just reminds me to not give up on America.  Not to give up on my dreams.  Not to give up on the music I love which has also been through a lot of changes, some good and some bad.  The true power we have as humans is our perseverance.  The way we truly win is to never give up. 

America has its problems, but I still love this country like crazy.  And I know we are going to be ok because we will never give up.  

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Just Say No!


Did you know that you can say no to things?  Even more, did you know that you don't have to feel guilty about it?  I don't know if you are like me, but I am a people pleaser.  I want everyone to like me.  And in order to make that happen, I feel like I need to say yes to a lot of things.  Yes to lunch dates.  Yes to cover someone at a gig.  Yes to go to some function I don't even want to go to.  I will say yes as long as you promise to like me.  That sounds really pathetic when you say it out loud but I think a lot of us do this.  But guess what?

People will still like you if you say no.

You heard me right!  Most people will not hate you just because you say no to them.  As a matter of fact, they will most likely respect you more for standing up for what you need.  And if anyone decides to hate you because you stood up for yourself, then is that really a person you want in your life anyway?  I would suggest saying good riddance to that person and go hang out with your real friends.  Genuine people who truly care for you will usually understand when you need to say no.  And if they don't, explain to them why you are saying no.  Tell them what you need. 


This is the most important part.  You have to be honest.  Do not make up an excuse like you have to pick up the dry cleaning or Thursday is "shower day."  Respect your friendship enough to tell them the truth and they will respect you for it.

There is another point to be made here.  Everyone does not need to like you.  You need stop worrying about keeping everyone else happy and start making sure YOU are.  Because a miserable person cannot bring joy into anyone's life.  Real happiness starts with loving and caring for yourself first.  You have to first take care of you so then you have the energy to care for others.

So relax.  You are not going to lose all your friends from a "no" here and there.  People love you because you are awesome and they will remember you are awesome whether you are hanging out with them or you are at home taking your weekly shower.  We all have different levels of commitments we can make and follow through with.  Know your level and stick to it.  Don't be afraid to say "no" so you can say "yes" to the things you need most.

P.S.  A really great book to read about the power of saying no is "Essentialism" by Greg McKeown.  I highly recommend this book for anyone who struggles with overcommitment.  It is a game changer!

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#soultimecheckin 1.17.18 - The Official Soul Motivation Records Playlist

On Tuesday 1.16.18, I did a Facebook Live talking all about streaming music services and how artists can use streaming to their advantage.  The best part about this video is that I announced the Official Soul Motivation Records Playlist on Spotify and Apple Music!  

Click HERE to get free access to the Official Soul Motivation Records Playlist!

If you want to watch a replay of the Facebook Live video, just click HERE!

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You Can't Stop Me by Andy Mineo

Are you ready to get pumped?!


Sometimes you need a song that wakes you up, gets you pumped and reminds you of everything you are capable of.  This is one of those songs!  Right from the very first "you can't stop me"you feel ready to conquer the world!  And this song is not just a fluffy feel-good anthem, it is chalk full of lyrical mastery and phenomenal rhythmic delivery.  Andy Mineo is the real deal delivering a great message with skills that could compete with any of the masters out there today.  And best of all, Andy is saying something we all need to hear.  We truly can accomplish just about anything in our lives with enough focus and tenacity.

So whenever you are starting to feel defeated, just hit play on this Andy Mineo classic and be reminded that no one can stop you!

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Embrace Music Streaming: Stop Fighting It!

EmbraceMusic Streaming.png

Music streaming sites like Spotify and Apple Music have the music business in a panic.  Most independent artists think it is impossible to make a living with music these days.  But I am here to tell you that is NOT TRUE!  Yes, the music business is changing, but there are lots of people making good money in the music business and there is no reason you can't be one of them.

I did a Facebook Live video about this subject and discussed the ways that artists can use streaming to their advantage.  This video is full of tips on how to make money with music streaming and how to use streaming to further your music career.  Streaming is here to stay so it is time to embrace it and use it to take your music to the world! 

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You're Rich! (And You Don't Even Know It)


You are rich.  Did you know that?  Like filthy, stinking rich.  If you live indoors, you're rich.  If you have a bed to sleep on at night, you're rich.  If you can afford heat in your home, you're rich.  If you have indoor plumbing, you're rich.  If you ate today, you're rich.  If you have a dollar in your pocket, you're rich.  Your one-bed apartment is a palace!  You live in a mansion!  Did you know that?

There are millions of people in the world who have no home, no bed, no heat, no food, no dollar.  

That makes you one of the elite.  You are wealthy.  Somehow along the way through all of life's struggles, you have forgotten that.  We all do.  We are constantly wanting for what we don't have, yet we have so much already.  More than we could ever use.  If you want to feel rich, learn to be content with what you have.  Your life is amazing and you don't even know it.  You are free.  You are fed.  You are warm.  You are rich. 

You are a king or a queen.  Ruling from on high, waving your expensive bus pass for all to see, dining on only the best foods that Shop 'N Save has to offer.  You are entertained nightly by this exclusive club called Netflix that you watch on your magic movie screen that you have right in your house!  And when you have had enough of all your luxuries, your private room awaits with a fluffy, warm bed only fit for royalty and you get to drift off to thoughts of the amazing life you get to live. 

So take a minute to truly appreciate the amazing life you have.  Look around at all your riches and be thankful.  But remember to rule on high with compassion and love.  Never forget the ones who don't have these things.  Help those who are less fortunate.  Be generous with all that you have.  And you may just start to truly appreciate the extravagant life you get to live!

#soultimecheckin 1.12.18 - Outside Motivation

Sometimes we can try so hard to keep it, but our motivation starts to lack.  We may have a couple days of being pumped up and focus, but then one day we get up and we start questioning everything.  That's when it's time to turn to outside motivation.  Watch a YouTube video, listen to a podcast, or watch a documentary that inspires you.  Don't underestimate the power of these simple acts.  You might find just the right outside motivation will remind you of what is important and get you back on track!

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My Opinion Matters Most


I am constantly bombarded with opinions.  Aren't you?  Everywhere you go, someone is telling you what to do and how to do it.  If you say you are going on a diet, the person next to you is a suddenly a nutrition expert and is quick to tell you all the things you shouldn't eat.  If you say you want to save more money, someone will be quick to tell you that it's impossible to do that in the current economy.  Everyone seems to be an expert with no qualifications.  Everyone is quick to tell you how to live your life, but who is telling them how to live theirs?

I have lots of opinions.  Strong opinions.  But sometimes it's hard to make them known in such a noisy world.  Everyone is talking and nobody is listening.  It's incredibly frustrating.  It seems like only the loudest, most obnoxious people are the ones to get their opinions heard.  But what about the rest of us?

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not afraid to speak up for myself.  I am not afraid to talk in front of people.  I do it every night.  But sometimes I don't have the energy to try to be louder than everyone else.  That is where it gets hard for me.  How do I make my opinion's known when everyone is talking and no one is listening?

Music.  That's how.

I think this was the biggest reason I got into music when I was a kid.  I could write a song and when I was performing it, people had to listen to me.  Finally, people would have to listen to my opinions and I could stop listening to everyone else's for three and a half minutes.  It is an amazing gift to be able to express yourself in an artistic way, whether it's music, painting, writing, speaking or whatever else.  Art is how the quiet people get their opinions heard.  With music, I've been able to express myself and get my ideas out into the world.  And as great as that has been, I need to be able to get it out in other ways as well.  I need to not just let everyone be an "expert" in my life, always telling me what to do.  I need to make my own decisions.  I need to believe in my own opinions.  I need to be quick to make decisions and very slow to change them. 

I am allowed to have my own opinion.  Matter of fact, my opinion matters most!  Just like yours should matter most to you.  If you are letting everyone else speak louder into your own life than you are letting yourself speak, there is a problem.  It is great to have close friends in your life that you trust and that can help you find answers.  I'm not saying to never take advice from anyone.  But we need to make sure the people we are listening to are people who love us and have our best interest in mind.  If they don't, then they are just making noise and their opinions really don't matter at all.

Stand up for yourself.  Be proud of your beliefs.  And hold true to your opinions.  Nobody else is you.  No one else sees the world through your eyes.  So your opinions matter most.  And when the world gets tired of talking, they will be ready to listen.

#soultimecheckin 1.6.18 - The Power Of Focus

Happy New Year!  It's time to focus and get things done.  Harness the power of focus by choosing one thing at a time to get done.  Focus on one thing, get it done THEN move on to the next thing.  If you do this, you will end the year with a bunch of accomplishments and goals achieved!  Let's make it a great year!

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I'll Find You by Lecrae

This is song #2 by Lecrae on our Songs That Help list.  And I'm sure it's not the last.


This is such a great song.  Not only is the hook beautiful and catchy, but the lyrics are both contemplative and encouraging.  Lecrae talks about trusting in God when you just can't deal with something on your own.  Whether you believe in God or not, it's important to remember you are never alone.  When you are dealing with something big and you just can't find the answers you are looking for, you can let go.  Trust that there is a greater power who will help guide you.  Also, you are not alone here on this earth.  You are surrounded by other humans who are just waiting to love you.  Look around.  They are everywhere.

So don't give up.  Just fight a little longer my friend.  It's all worth it in the end.

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Embrace The Chaos


I do not have any tattoos.  It's not that I don't like them, it's just that if I'm going to get one, I want it to mean something.  I think if I were to get one today, it would say "Embrace the Chaos."  I like order.  I like everything in it's right place.  I try to keep my kitchen organized, my bed made and my desk clean.  As much as I love things to be organized, however, I still have stacks of boxes in some rooms.  I have a bookshelf that is super cluttered and has been for years.  So how can this be?  How can I be super obsessed about the toilet paper roll being hung up the right way (tissue behind the roll pointing down) and yet let dishes pile up in my sink for a week? 

It's because I have learned to embrace the chaos.

Or maybe I should say it is a work in progress.  But I had to learn years ago that I cannot control everything.  Which is a bummer for a guy like me to realize.  Most people who like things super organized are like that because they want to control everything.  Or at least control what they can.  It gives them a sense of peace, confidence, accomplishment and most of all safety.  But it's a false safety.  And it is a safety that we often use an excuse to push ourselves outside of our comfort zone. 

The only way for someone who is a little OCD like me to deal with the fact that I can't control everything is to let go completely.  I mean, really let go and just accept the fact that I'm not in control.  Life is going to get messy sometimes.  The dishes are going to pile up.  You are going to spill things.  And someone might even come into your life and force you to change your routine.  You have to be ready for that or you will never truly experience the greatest joys of life.

I spent a lot of years pushing people and opportunities away because they would cause too much of a "mess" in my perfectly organized life.  When I looked all around me and noticed the people who were really living, I noticed their lives had a significant amount of chaos in them.  I use to feel sorry for these people, but now I'm starting to understand the magic of chaos.  The point is you can't live your life in a perfectly organized box and expect there to be adventure and inspiration as well.  If you want to live an inspired life, then you have to be willing to get messy sometimes.  You have to realize that you can't control everything.  You have to let go, open your mind and dive in.  And I promise, if you make the decision to do so, you will start to enjoy the craziness because the craziness means you are living.

To live a truly inspired life, you have to let go.  If you feel like you are missing out on something, it is only because you are holding on so tight to your perfectly little organized life.  Adventure awaits.  Get ready to get messy.

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#soultimecheckin 12.30.17 - You Are Not Alone

I hope your holiday was amazing! I know this is a hard time of year for some folks. I want you to know you are never alone. You are surrounded by love. Always. Here is to a great 2018!

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You Are Not Alone by Michael Jackson

Man I miss Michael Jackson.


No doubt one of the greatest entertainers of all time, I think Michael Jackson's ballads are sometimes overlooked.  Listening to Michael sing "you are not alone" feels deep and real.  I always feel like he is singing to me.  That was the magic of Michael Jackson.  Even though he is gone, he left us with so much musical magic to draw upon when we need it.  This is one I go to often.  It reminds me of the truth, I am not alone.  You are never alone.  I'm here and so is the whole world.  We are with you.  Always.

Thanks Michael.

Ready for some more Songs That Help? 

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Gratitude by Earth, Wind and Fire

Is there anybody on earth who doesn't like Earth, Wind and Fire?  When you combine funk, groove and a message of gratitude, you have got yourself a Song That Helps indeed!  


This song is such great, laid back funky tune.  I can put this on and cruise around all night long in my 2006 Chevy Malibu.  Windows down.  Breeze in my hair...ok, on my bald head.  Feeling good.  Happy.  Thankful.  Take a minute to listen to this tune and focus on all the amazing things you have in your life, whether big or small.  Maybe things are tough right now, but you are alive.  You are breathing.  You get the adventure of another day.  Be thankful.  And know you are never alone.  Earth, Wind and Fire will get you there every time.



Ready for some more Songs That Help? 

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Mellow Bounce Vol. 1

I have been working hard on figuring out the best way I can serve those in the business of media creation.  I know these people need music, but there are so many sources of royalty-free music now.  How can I do something that is different and better than the generic stock music websites so many people turn to?

The answer is my 10 Song Music Bed Packs!

Mellow Bounce Vol. 1 is a digital pack of 10 music beds in a mellow or bouncy groove style. This collection comes with an unlimited, non-exclusive license agreement. What does that mean? It means you can use these songs on your next video, podcast episode, or anything else you want and you can use it as much, as often and as long as you want! No limitations!

I love creating music beds! I spend a lot of time researching what music the best of the best are using in their projects and I make sure mine are even better! Then, it's just so much fun to come up with different beats and melody ideas. I just know you are going to get a lot of mileage out of this song pack!

Glossy Soul's "Music to Succeed To" is now in iTunes and Spotify!


Hey everybody! I am super excited to announce that Glossy Soul's "Music To Succeed To" is now on iTunes and Spotify!  You can purchase your copy on iTunes and stream it all day long on Spotify!

Click one of the buttons below to take a listen!

Glossy Soul's "Music To Succeed To" is Here!

I am so excited to announce that Glossy Soul's "Music To Succeed To" album is here!  You can get your copy now by clicking this link:

Glossy Soul's "Music To Succeed To"

I had such a blast making this record.  I have wanted to make a smooth jazz record for years!  This album is what I call "Hip-hop Piano Jazz," which is just my term for smooth jazz piano music, but with a little more of a hip-hop production style. It is head-bobbing funky grooves with pretty piano melodies on top. It's catchy and fun, but also designed to evoke emotions in us that inspire us and encourage us to do amazing things in our lives!

Click HERE to get your copy now!

I think you will have as much fun listening to as I did making this record.  Also, if you want to listen to some of the tunes off the album before buying it, you will get a chance to do that before making a purchase!  So I hope you will click the "Buy Now" button below and check out Glossy Soul's "Music To Succeed To" today!

How I Learned To Love Music Again

It's weird how being a musician can actually make you hate music.  That sounds crazy, right?  But it really does happen to a lot of musicians.  It happened to me.  And it made my life so miserable.  I knew that I needed to change that.  And quick!

Just hit the PLAY button below to see how I learned to love music again!

The Making Of "Music To Succeed To"

I thought it would be fun to pull back the curtain and show you some footage from the making of Glossy Soul's "Music To Succeed To album!"

Just hit the PLAY button below to check it out!